Prophet SAW said ” The best of you are those who feed others.” [Ahmad]
29.6% of the global population — don’t have adequate access to food

Share Meals, Share Hope
Picture a hungry family, struggling to make ends meet, their stomachs empty and their hearts heavy.
Support AICT Global in the fight against hunger and food insecurity.It’s more than just sustenance; it’s a symbol of hope for those facing food challenges. With every meal shared, we spread a message of compassion and support, empowering individuals and communities to thrive. Join us in our mission to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
Share Meals FAQ’s
What is food aid?
Food aid refers to the provision of food assistance to individuals, families, or communities who are unable to access or afford an adequate and nutritious diet due to various reasons such as poverty, natural disasters, conflicts, or other emergencies.
What is Share Meal's mission?
ShareMeals is dedicated to eradicating hunger and food insecurity. With every meal shared, we spread a message of compassion and support, empowering individuals and communities to thrive.
Can I choose where my donation goes?
Yes, you can often specify the region or project you would like your donation to support.
How impactful will my donation will be?
Your contribution has the power to profoundly impact the lives of countless individuals struggling with hunger. Our range of options allows you to make a difference with as little as £1, providing sustenance for a single life, or £30, ensuring nourishment for an entire family throughout the month.
How can I get involved beyond making a donation?
There are numerous avenues for engagement beyond monetary donations. You can volunteer your time, join fundraising initiatives, champion water access and sanitation causes, and raise awareness in your community. For more opportunities to make a difference, visit aictglobal and discover how you can contribute.
Is my personal information secure when making a donation?
Yes, rest assured that your personal information is securely protected when making a donation.